Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Narrative

Jesus was tried before Pontius Pilot. Jesus remained silent the whole time. Jesu had to deny himself and carry His cross. Jesus took 3 nails into His body. One nail in each of His hands and one nail in driven into his feet. Jesus' purpose was to fulfill His Father's will. Jesus was sent to Earth to die on the cross to take way the sins of the world, and to save mankind from their unrighteousness. When Jesus died on the cross, the whole Earth shook, the clouds in the sky became dark, and the Temple split in half. Jesus gave up His spirit and descended into hell for three days and three nights. A roman guard came up and pierced Jesus' ribcage with a spear. Blood and water immediately came out of Jesus, and blood was splashed upon one of the Roman guards' face. The guard fell to his knees and glorified Jesus as Lord and Savior. After the death of Jesus, other Roman guards took Jesus down from the Cross. The nails were removed and Mary the Virgin Mother of God, held Jesus' dead body in her arms. This was the last time she held the Son of Man in her arms.

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